Chenoa United Methodist Church is deeply dedicated to mission, and continues to embody that dedication in a variety of ways.
Garden Sharing: Noticing the surpluses that many community member's gardens were producing and the lack of fresh produce readily available in the area we hold garden sharing days in the summer.
Chenoa Cares: As a church, we continue to join with other churches and community members to do work right here in Chenoa. Projects have included raking leaves and fundraising dinners for the fire department. Be on the look-out for upcoming work at the Elementary School.
Mission Teams: For the past several years we have sent teams across the country to help with rebuilding and disaster relief. Destinations have included Mississippi, Tennessee and Alabama.
UMCOR Disaster Relief Teams: We are currently organizing a team to be trained to respond when disaster strikes nearby.
Noisy Offerings: In addition to the normal offering that the church takes, we also take a second, at the beginning of each service. This offering is dedicated to support a specific missional cause. During the month of August, our Noisy Offering will be going to UMCOR's US Disaster Relief.